

e4 — tools in higher Education for an Embodied & creative Energy Education

The project e4 co-funded by Erasmus Plus, aims at supporting and reforming teacher training (for primary and lower secondary teachers) at academic institutions, in the field of energy (energy solutions, energy and environment, energy and society). On this scenario, e4 intends to create (1) innovative materials for teacher training in the field of energy technology and (2) a network of academic institutions and partners in (energy) industry, agriculture and public institutions that deal practically with these issues.


Discover the energy of hydrogen

FCHgo is a European project dedicated to fostering knowledge about fuel cell and hydrogen technology by delivering an educational model for schools. The project invites pupils and their teachers alike to discover the energy of hydrogen with innovative teaching materials and along inspiring activities in classrooms and beyond.


Narrative Approaches to Mechanics

Based Upon Continuum Physics

Learning to understand mechanics is not easy but it is crucially important at many levels of expertise in industry. This observation and social responsibility were some of the driving forces that led the Ducati Foundation to establish Fisica in Moto, an Industrial Educational Laboratory for mechanics. The original motivation was to provide a learning environment for young people that would allow them to experience, and maybe even work on, authentic applications of physics in industrial mechanics. At the urging of the foundation, a beautiful and richly outfitted laboratory for mechanics in automotive applications was built between 2006 and 2008 at the Ducati factories in Bologna, Italy.

Ducati Foundation charged Federico Corni with designing didactic elements of the Lab. Work on this started in 2008. The approach integrates three major elements coming from (1) modern cognitive science, (2) continuum physics that uses an embodied perspective, and (3) dynamical systems modeling. These elements have suggested creating an imaginative and narrative approach to the conceptualization of mechanical phenomena.


“Learning in Depth”, founded by Kieran Egan in 2008, is a simple though radical innovation in curriculum and instruction designed to ensure that all students become experts about something during their school years. Each child is given a particular topic to learn about through her or his whole school career, in addition to the usual curriculum, and builds a personal portfolio on the topic. To the surprise of many, children usually take to the program with great enthusiasm, and within a few months LiD begins to transform their experience as learners. The program usually takes about an hour a week, with the students working outside school time increasingly.

The program now involves thousands of children in many Countries.

In Italy it was launched in Fall 2017 with some schools of Modena and Bolzano and is led by Federico Corni and Enrico Giliberti.

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