Complexity and Narrative Integrating Sciences and Humanities for Science Education

International Exploratory Workshop for founding an Integrated Primary Science Education (IPSE) project at UNIBZ.

Faculty of Education – Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Bressanone 27-29/6 2022

in collaboration with the department of Education and Humanities

of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.


How do we create a unified approach to learning about nature in primary education? Can the humanities help us to integrate the natural sciences?

How do scholars working in the sciences, humanities, and education interpret this challenge?

How can the humanities help the natural sciences come together? What do these questions have to do with education in general and primary education in particular?


Objectives of the workshop:

  1. To integrate natural sciences (physics, biology, chemistry, earth sciences, astronomy) with the help of the humanities (philosophy, linguistics, narratology, cognitive science) for establishing an integrated primary science education (IPSE) project at the Faculty of Education of UNIBZ. 
  2. To create an educational environment for future kindergarten and primary school teachers and in-service teachers that supports them in unifying their activities, practically and philosophically.


We do not think that we will be able to arrive at a finished design for IPSE in this workshop. Rather, we would like to map out, in an open discussion, the challenges and possible answers.


Invited speakers:

Tiziana Altiero, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Giorgio Bolondi, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Michele Cagol, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Marco Caracciolo, Ghent University

Annamaria Contini, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Elisabeth Dumont, Zurich University of Applied Sciences at Winterthur

Hans Fuchs, Center for Narrative in Science, Winterthur

Alice Giuliani, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Stuart Glennan, Butler University

Francesco Gonella, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Shannon Lambert, Ghent University

George Santi, Università di Macerata

Jorg Zabel, Leipzig University

Albert Zeyer, Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern 





Federico Corni, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano


Scientific committee

Tiziana Altiero (UNIMORE)

Annamaria Contini (UNIMORE)

Federico Corni (UNIBZ)

Elisabeth Dumont (ZHAW)

Hans U. Fuchs (UNIBZ)

Angelika Pahl (PHBERN)


UNIBZ organizing committee

Federico Corni

Leonardo Colletti

Mita Drius

Alessandro Gelmi

Chiara Puecher

Luana Silveri

Sara Zanella

UNIMORE organizing committee

Annamaria Contini

Tiziana Altiero